Access Tusc
Our Mission:
Access Tusc will actively collaborate, educate, and coordinate social and health services of Tuscarawas and surrounding counties to establish effective relationships to improve access and integrated care for the communities that we serve.
Mobility Ohio Pilot Project
Searching for a Program Evaluation Consultant

Sealed proposals will be received by Mid-Ohio Mobility Solutions, Inc for the following good(s) and/or service(s) until the respective deadline(s) as shown:
Program Evaluation Consultant
Mobility Ohio Program
Bid seeks the services of a program evaluation consultant (“Contractor”) with expertise in formative and summative evaluation methods. The Contractor is expected to be familiar with Federally funded human service programs for older adults and individuals with disabilities, such as those funded by Medicaid, the Administration for Community Living, and Vocational Rehabilitation, especially those that integrate transportation. A preferred, but not required, qualification is knowledge and experience with public and human service transportation programs, including programs funded through the Federal Transit Administration’s Formula Grants for Rural Areas (Section 5311) and Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) programs.
Proposal Due: April 15, 2025, 3:00pm EST
Copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) can be downloaded from Mobility Ohio’s website. The web address is https://mobilityohio.org .
All proposals must be received on time and be in full compliance with the instructions contained in the RFP. Mid-Ohio Mobility Solutions, Inc reserves the right to reject any and all quotes and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bidding and to award the contract to the offeror whose quote best meets the needs of Mid-Ohio Mobility Solutions, Inc.
Why Access Tusc?

Tuscarawas County is home to a broad network of social service and health organizations. All of these organizations are here to provide support to the citizens of Tuscarawas County, but sometimes it’s difficult to know where you should go to find the help you need. Access Tusc was formed for this purpose. Approximately 24 partner organizations united in late 2014 to provide a common resource to our community. As a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, we are passionate about connecting community members with the services they need.
No matter what your crisis, concern, or question, one of our many partner organizations in
Tuscarawas County can help you find help, solutions, and answers.
Our Programs
Access Tusc Transit
Access Tusc Transit is a Rural Public Transportation Service that Tuscarawas County residents can use, regardless of income or age. Access Tusc Transit vehicles are all handicapped accessible. Access Tusc Transit offers affordable rates within and up to 150 miles outside of Tuscarawas County. All services are dependent on availability of date and time.
Bridges to Wellness
Bridges to Wellness is a Care Coordination Agency that serves the counties of: Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Monroe, Muskingum, Noble, Tuscarawas, and Washington- that links individuals to community resources via a Community Health Worker (CHW).
Our Promise to You
Find the Help you Need
Access Tusc is your key to our county’s local resources.
We are here for you. As a non-profit, we connect all of our social service organizations in the County to support you and your needs. Together, we are here to listen, to care, and to help.
No runarounds. All of our front-line staff in our agencies are trained to properly handoff someone from one place to another. When you visit an agency, they’ll provide a roadmap for you to ensure you know where you need to go next to receive the help you need.
We equip and educate the people who are here to help you, including physicians, staff, community leaders, professionals, social service leaders, and community members through seminars, forums, and online learning.
Partner Impact Statements
2024 in Numbers
Miles Traveled in Transportation Services
Bridges to Wellness Contracted Care Coordination Agencies